Unchain Your Wheel of Life

Life as a whole can be broken down into 5 areas:
Health, relationships, finances, connection to source, and Life Purpose.
You can imagine life as a wheel, and all the different areas of life as its spokes:

Graphic image of stuck wheel of life.

If the wheel of life is unstuckit can move freely and in harmony with its surroundings.

We believe in the interconnectedness of all areas of life, that means if there is stagnation or lack in one area, all the other areas are brought down to the same level. Hence, your wheel of life is stuck and cant move forward freely anymore. 

If the wheel of life is unstuckit can move freely and in harmony with its surroundings.

Graphic image of stuck wheel of life.

We believe in the interconnectedness of all areas of life, that means if there is a lack of self-love in one area, all the other areas are brought down to the same level. Hence, your wheel of life is stuck and cant move freely anymore. 

Change Your Life Program

Do you suffer from relationship issues, health crisis, unfulfilled purpose, financial issues or a disconnection from your intuition?

First step: Schedule a Self-Love Session, in which we identify where life force energy is lacking the most in your life, how it is affecting you as well as how to heal it.

In the subsequent Change Your Life Program we clear the deepest subconscious blockages and release the trauma that has been holding you back all your life in order to heal body, mind and soul. 

Start Now!
Vivien Thiermeyer working will a client who is facing away from the camera.
A dinner plate on a wooden table filled with health food including tomatoes & greens.
A man and woman embracing in a huge.
A small glass bowl holding pennies that a plant is sprouting out of.
A man in swimsuit diving into a body of water.
Someone working at a desk with a laptop, calculator, & paperwork.

Once the area of life that was lacking the most incorporates more life force energy imagine the healing process like bringing light into an area where there was darkness or in other words a flower that is starting to bloom in a dry, hot dessert all areas of life are being brought up to the same increased level of fulfilment.

Basically, we are unlocking your whole wheel of life so that it can move forward with joy again. 

Results include:

Embodying greater levels of life force energy leads to more fulfilment, joy and flow in life. Energetically, we are talking about raising your vibrational frequency above physical, emotional and mental symptoms that you may perceive on your individual journey.

Are You Ready to Change Your Life From the Inside Out?

🚫 Caution 🚫

This is not an ordinary personal development program, where we add to your current belief system. 

We are going to transform your entire life by removing old, dysfunctional belief systems, which have held you back in life so far so that the True You can emerge.  

Until June 2024, Vivien offers an incredible discount for the program. Reach out to Vivien for more details about the Change Your Life Program and a possible start date.  

Book Self-Love Session