First of all, let’s begin with having a look at what it means to “awaken”. In my eyes, awakening means to discover the essence of yourself, the True You beyond personal, societal or generational limitations, identifications or perspectives. If we discover ourselves we open ourselves up to the possibility that we’re more than just this body. That we are the consciousness, the spirit that inhabits the body and that is eternal, that has always been and will always be, that is in its essence love as everything is love in its essence. As such, we awaken to the possibility of being love and therefore of being everything beyond limitations. 

  1. Catalyst:

Most people experience a catalyst which helps them to “awaken”. This might be a big event in their lives, for me it was a fire that I experienced in my apartment. For other people that I know it was a failed marriage or an “incurable” illness. All those big lifetime events lead to our minds discovering the unspoken in society, what we haven’t heard of so far as we are trying to find a solution for the “catastrophe” that happened in our lives or simply, as it occurred in my case, search for the meaning of this event. We call it “catalyst” as it propels you further on your path of self discovery and spiritual growth. 

2. Introspective Solitude:

We have the most beautiful realisations when we are detached from other people’s energies. In a space of stillness, being alone and talking to ourselves, our own essence. Becoming who we truly are includes seeing ourselves with different eyes. Sometimes we forget to see ourselves with our own eyes, as our mind tries to avoid threads or judgement of others, we are so accustomed of thinking for the other person or trying to please them. As if our whole purpose and self-love evolves around others approving of us. It does not! Try not to judge yourself as selfish when spending time alone, it is a recharge of energy and most of all of self-love. You don’t do it because others are bad, have hurt you or because you dislike them. You simply do it because you put yourself first because you discovered that You are the centre of your own universe. 

3. Other people’s reactions:

When you woke up and others around you are still sleeping, try not to forcefully wake them up or they might be upset. People like to sleep, it’s comfortable. Allow them to wake up at their own time, if they choose to do so. Have patience with yourself and with others. Don’t try to convince them only because you are committed on your spiritual journey of self-discovery. When you tell others about your realisations or discoveries they might react in different ways. Some of them might think you’re crazy and start to judge you. Others might not even be interested because they are too involved in their own issues. What I found is that there is often fear behind people lashing out to you. Trusting yourself is something new in society as we are used to only trust experts in their fields. When you have an illness you go to a doctor, similarly you go to a psychologist if you feel depressed. Discovering your true power involves empowering yourself to heal yourself. Because only you can heal yourself beyond what a doctor can do. And this might be scary! At the beginning stages there might still be a part of us (ego!) that doesn’t quite believe and trust in our own self-healing abilities. Therefore, that part of us sometimes tries to manipulate us by using its tools, in this case other people, through which it attempts to put us back on the path of society, where everyone else is on. Remember: Fear is contagious, ego is contagious as well. Healing ourselves actually frees us of that part which is afraid, the ego, therefore the ego is scared of losing control over us. Have a look at yourself and ask yourself: Why do I fear my own power? Why is it scary to empower myself and take responsibility? Once you’ve healed those limitations other people’s reactions are much softer as their reactions are like a mirror for you, they display what you have to heal within yourself.

You don’t have to wait until you die in order to see how truly powerful and limitless you are. The quality of your experiences during this lifetime depends on how you see yourself. So do you choose to see yourself as big (True Self) or as small and meaningless (ego)? 

Remember, awakening is a process, you are here on Earth to get to know your soul and your unique individual purpose. Getting to know your True Self might take a lifetime as you are constantly rising your vibration, you become more aware of different aspects of your Truth.