Being in a space of all-knowing universal intelligence of “the flow”, I asked about judgement and here’s what came through:

Judgement is for the ones who don’t know themselves. If they knew themselves they would never judge to begin with. 

But we all judge, don’t we? If we see someone who doesn’t resonate with us, if we eat something that we think tastes bad — don’t we have an opinion about other people and things?

Yes, but judgement goes deeper into non-truth and criticises that thing or person based on their superficial characteristics. Their energy, their true essence or beingness is often hidden to the mind’s eye. 

The collective consciousness chose to be in a space of non-truth. Imagine it like wearing virtual glasses and everyone wears them. We, instinctively, think that our perception is only right when it gets validated by others. That means when others confirm it and say that they perceive the same way that we perceive. We don’t trust our own individual and truthful instincts any longer — at least most of us. 

Your perception of your reality is “right” because it matches your untruthful subconscious beliefs accumulated over thousands of generations. It doesn’t mean that it must be right for the True You, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take off those glasses and look behind the veil. 

So if you feel judged by another person, they actually don’t judge you. Wearing their virtual glasses they can’t even see the True You. They only judge the part of your limitation that is triggering them. So you may ask: “Why is it triggering them?”

It is triggering them because they have expectations of you. In their minds they formed a mold in which they want to fit you in. But the True You is definitively too big for that mold so parts of you stick out and they can’t explain it. It seems weird and strange to them — ultimately, it scares them. What is actually scaring them is not you but the thought that people can be categorised or put into a mold. That means they can also be categorised and that’s freaking scary! 

Our monkey-mind likes to categorise people, it makes their behaviours and our reactions towards their behaviours more predictable. But categorising also means putting a limit. In truth, only you have the power to put limits on yourself. Only you have the power to allow other people’s limiting energies in by believing in what they say about you. Only you can free yourself from judgement and live a limitless life. 

Who knows, maybe as human-beings we are able to fly or to do so many more miraculous things that we are currently not even aware of. If you try to put yourself into a mold you are captured by that energy and you manifest that into your day to day life. If we truly and fully believe in our abilities we create a beautiful base to allow them to be manifested into our physical reality.